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My Bipolar Story

Hi, I’m Devin—and I’m bipolar.

My journey with bipolar disorder began in my twenties. I knew something was wrong for a long time but didn’t understand until I sought medical help and received my diagnosis. Even then, I didn’t fully grasp what it meant. I’d start therapy, take my meds, stop, crash, and repeat—cycling through creative highs and devastating lows.

In 2019, feeling isolated, I turned to Twitter to share my experiences and discovered a vibrant community of people facing similar struggles. That’s when I created #bipolarclub—a simple hashtag aimed at connecting anyone, anywhere, so they wouldn’t feel alone. Thanks to the incredible people who embraced it, it grew bigger than I ever imagined.

For personal reasons, I stepped away from social media and #bipolarclub, leaving it in capable hands. My life had hit a low point, and I had to rebuild. But even during these dark times, I continued refining what I called my personal “bipolar handbook.”

It’s an evolving framework that grows with me, helping me take charge of my illness and build a more meaningful life. The struggle is constant, but having a system gives me stability in ways I never thought possible.

Years later, I’ve decided to share what has helped me survive and thrive. Inspired by workplace SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), I renamed my project Bipolar SOP. It’s my practical guide to navigating the challenges of bipolar disorder, building systems that work, and finding balance—and I hope it can help you too!